Qualitative Open Mic: Making Interpretations Episode 3 - Alda Terracciano on Interpreting Creative Data

20 mar 2024

In this series we are exploring the art of interpreting qualitative health data, sharing insights achieving conceptual depth with different types of data and methods, integrating qualitative findings with quantitative data, and integrating lived experience in interpretation.

In this episode:

The use of creative and participatory methods throws up complex issues for researchers. How do we interpret creative work? What knowledge and skills do qualitative researchers need to do this ethically? Is interpretation even the right word for this context? Sohail speaks to artist and academic Alda Terracciano to explore how visual art, poetry, and theatre can open up qualitative research into sensitive or stigmatised topics.

Dr Alda Terracciano is Honorary Research Fellow at University of Sussex, and Honorary Senior Research Fellow at UCL where she is participatory and co-design consultant for the Sloane Lab. She is a visual artist, curator, director, and activist with a particular interest in creating tangible experiences using mediums such as moving image, sound, and interactive multisensory technologies. You can find out more about her work on her website.

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