Pitch us your podcast and blog ideas!

21 Mayo 2024

We are inviting ideas for our Qualitative Open Mic podcast and our Impact in Qualitative Research blog.

Qualitative Open Mic:

We are currently planning Series 7: Neurodiversity and Qualitative Research, but also take pitches for standalone special episodes. Email quahrc [at] kcl [dot] ac [dot] uk with a short summary of your suggested topic.


Impact Blog:

We publish blogs of 800-1000 words which could be:

  • A reflection on your own research impact, focused on a specific paper, thesis, or event;
  • An exploration of the process of building impact into your research;
  • Unexpected or unintended impacts that came up in a project;
  • A commentary on or response to someone else’s work in research and/or engagement;
  • Anything else related to impact in qualitative research – pitch us!

Drop us an email on quahrc [at] kcl [dot] ac [dot] uk with “Impact blog” in the subject line and a few sentences about your idea.