18 Mar 2024, 12:00 to 13:00 Slides now available: QSIG Midday Talk: Understanding creative methods in the context of applied health research Reflecting on an approach that combines Video-Reflexive Ethnography, Experience-Based Co-Design and creative thinking: Dr Clair Le Boutillier will present her fellowship study that explores how creative methods and design collaborations can be used to inform the co-design of digital personalised care and support planning for adults living with colorectal cancer. Online - Zoom
29 Jan 2024, 12:00 to 13:00 Slides now available: QSIG Midday Talk: using a multimedia mobile app for participant communications in a qualitative longitudinal study Annie Irvine presents her experiences of using a multimedia mobile phone app to keep in touch with participants in a qualitative longitudinal study of transitions between work and welfare benefits, for people with mental health problems. Online - Zoom
05 Dec 2023, 14:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC seminar: Alicia Stringfellow on the Biographical Narrative Interpretive Method At this seminar, Alicia Stringfellow presents the use of the Biographical Narrative Interpretive Method to facilitate storytelling with marginalised groups. Online - Zoom
Thurs 21 Sept 2023, 14:00 to 15:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar: Robyn Fivush on Family Storytelling and Child Well-Being Robyn Fivush presents this seminar on family storytelling and child well-being, discussing work from the Family Narratives Lab at Emory University Online - Zoom
13 Mar 2023, 14:00 to 15:00 GMT Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar: It takes time to develop interpretive depth in qualitative research Shira Birnbaum presents this seminar titled 'It Takes Time to Develop Interpretive Depth in Qualitative Research: A Cautionary Note and Some Pedagogical Strategies from the Front Lines of Nursing Education' Online - Zoom
28 Nov 2022, 09:30 to 10:30 QSIG Talk Recording: Grace Horwood on the discursive construction of mental health In this session, Grace Horwood presents her research on ‘Mental Wealth’ and ‘Mental Fitness’: the discursive construction of mental health in the Australian news media during the COVID-19 pandemic Online
Working with Afghan Sanctuary Seekers: A guide for mental health professionals News and video from the launch of the guide, which was produced with support from the QUAHRC 07 Dic 2022
21 Jun 2022, 13:00 to 14:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar Series: Does qualitative health research need ethics committees? Qualitative health researchers are on a journey to becoming more reflective, ethical and supportive researchers, but do we need university ethics committees to do this? Sohail Jannesari, Nooshin Asgari, and Stan Papoulias discuss Online - MS Teams
25 October 2021, 15:00 to 16:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar Series: Dr Michelle O'Reilly on exploring the challenges of doing applied qualitative research The first event in the QUAHRC Seminar Series Online - Zoom