Qualitative Open Mic: Ethics in Qualitative Research - Episode 1 - Leslie Cannold on becoming an ethical researcher
New series: Ethics in qualitative research

Welcome to the Qualitative Open Mic's new series - Ethics in Qualitative Research. In this series, we'll be highlighting positive ethical practices in qualitative research with marginalised groups, and discussing ways in which we can make qualitative research inherently more ethical.
In this episode:
Leslie Cannold explores different ethical perspectives and how to become an ethical researcher. Dr Leslie Cannold is a medical ethicist, researcher, author, and public speaker, with a background in moral psychology and particular interests in leadership and gender activism.
The conversation begins by discussing the definition of ethics and the importance of centring ethics in research, by comparing ethics in different settings and looking back at historical unethical research. This leads to discussing the influence of power imbalances on the integrity of ethics in research, looking at vulnerable populations and powerful organisations or fields. Leslie then talks about ethical perspectives other than that of Western traditional research. The episode ends by exploring alternative ways of implementing ethics.
Listen below, or on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.