24 Feb 2025, 12:00 to 13:00 Recording now available: QSIG Midday Talk: Impostor participants in qualitative research This presentation by Angie Pitt, a PhD student at King’s College London, will explore the relatively new and sensitive phenomenon of impostor participants in qualitative research: those who fake or exaggerate their identities to take part in paid research. Angie will share her experiences from a recent qualitative study exploring adolescent attitudes to vaccines where around 80% of potential participants were judged to be impostors, largely adults posing as teenagers, and explore the questions this raised. Online - Zoom
13 Nov 2024, 14:30 to 16:00 Recording now available: Health Research Under Siege Since October 7 2023, hundreds of Palestinian medics and healthcare workers killed or detained, all 12 universities in Gaza have been destroyed, and healthcare facilities have been decimated including at time of recording 20 out of 22 hospitals in Northern Gaza. Amidst this devastation, conducting qualitative and participatory health research presents profound challenges and moral dilemmas. This seminar explores the how Palestinian researchers have reacted and adapted.
06 Mar 2024, 11:00 to 12:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC seminar: Joe Whelan on Narratives Beyond Interpretation Dr Joe Whelan from Trinity College Dublin explores research using shared walking as an arts based, biographical method. Online - Zoom
18 Mar 2024, 12:00 to 13:00 Slides now available: QSIG Midday Talk: Understanding creative methods in the context of applied health research Reflecting on an approach that combines Video-Reflexive Ethnography, Experience-Based Co-Design and creative thinking: Dr Clair Le Boutillier will present her fellowship study that explores how creative methods and design collaborations can be used to inform the co-design of digital personalised care and support planning for adults living with colorectal cancer. Online - Zoom
29 Jan 2024, 12:00 to 13:00 Slides now available: QSIG Midday Talk: using a multimedia mobile app for participant communications in a qualitative longitudinal study Annie Irvine presents her experiences of using a multimedia mobile phone app to keep in touch with participants in a qualitative longitudinal study of transitions between work and welfare benefits, for people with mental health problems. Online - Zoom
05 Dec 2023, 14:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC seminar: Alicia Stringfellow on the Biographical Narrative Interpretive Method At this seminar, Alicia Stringfellow presents the use of the Biographical Narrative Interpretive Method to facilitate storytelling with marginalised groups. Online - Zoom
Thurs 21 Sept 2023, 14:00 to 15:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar: Robyn Fivush on Family Storytelling and Child Well-Being Robyn Fivush presents this seminar on family storytelling and child well-being, discussing work from the Family Narratives Lab at Emory University Online - Zoom
13 Mar 2023, 14:00 to 15:00 GMT Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar: It takes time to develop interpretive depth in qualitative research Shira Birnbaum presents this seminar titled 'It Takes Time to Develop Interpretive Depth in Qualitative Research: A Cautionary Note and Some Pedagogical Strategies from the Front Lines of Nursing Education' Online - Zoom
28 Nov 2022, 09:30 to 10:30 QSIG Talk Recording: Grace Horwood on the discursive construction of mental health In this session, Grace Horwood presents her research on ‘Mental Wealth’ and ‘Mental Fitness’: the discursive construction of mental health in the Australian news media during the COVID-19 pandemic Online
Working with Afghan Sanctuary Seekers: A guide for mental health professionals News and video from the launch of the guide, which was produced with support from the QUAHRC 07 Dec 2022
21 Jun 2022, 13:00 to 14:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar Series: Does qualitative health research need ethics committees? Qualitative health researchers are on a journey to becoming more reflective, ethical and supportive researchers, but do we need university ethics committees to do this? Sohail Jannesari, Nooshin Asgari, and Stan Papoulias discuss Online - MS Teams
25 October 2021, 15:00 to 16:00 Recording now available: QUAHRC Seminar Series: Dr Michelle O'Reilly on exploring the challenges of doing applied qualitative research The first event in the QUAHRC Seminar Series Online - Zoom