Qualitative Special Interest Group (QSIG)
The QSIG has two aims:
1) To provide a supportive non-judgemental space for students and staff interested in qualitative research to present their research, to discuss methodological challenges and innovations, to critique and generate ideas, and to learn about qualitative theory and methods.
2) To offer the opportunity to meet/network with other researchers and students undertaking/considering qualitative research in applied health from any academic discipline.
The QSIG offers:
Mid-day talks (including journal club)
QSIG mid-day talks offer an opportunity to present/share work. QSIG talks are held online on the last Monday of each month. Each meeting lasts approximately one hour.
As a part of the ‘mid-day talk’ set-up, the QSIG also offers a space for a journal club. The QSIG journal club offers an opportunity to review and discuss selected reading on a qualitative research topic, theoretically-driven text, or qualitative research training material.
Space on the QUAHRC website
QSIG members have the opportunity to showcase their work on the QUAHRC website.