QSIG Midday Talk: Conducting virtual fieldwork and engaging community stakeholders in research

6 Dec 2021, 12:00 to 13:00
Online - Zoom

Julia Rozanova (Lecturer in Global Mental Health) will present on Conducting virtual fieldwork and engaging community stakeholders in research: "It is my cross, and I will bear it": lived experiences of older adults with HIV (OPWH) and their informal caregivers during Covid-19 lockdown in Ukraine.

Come and find out about lessons learned by Julia and her team through the process of conducting fieldwork with OPWH virtually and by phone, including unexpected therapeutic implications of engagement in the research process. Julia will also share some findings from the fieldwork concerning the processes of mutual support, social exclusion, and social belonging, that Covid-19 both put in focus and amplified; and discuss how the team have engaged community stakeholders in analysis and planning of the next steps.

Please sign up to the Qualitative Special Interest Group to receive the meeting link.