Stepping Stones Study - Early Findings Webinar
13th & 14th March 2024
Online - Teams

The Stepping Stones Study centres on evaluating models of care for pregnant women who are dependent on drugs, and their infants. This longitudinal qualitative study, funded by the NIHR (NIHR130619), intends to shed light on the best practices and care pathways for women and infants from preconception to 18 months postnatal.
The webinar is an opportunity to:
- Share Early Findings: Learn about the preliminary insights and discoveries from our ongoing research.
- Engage Practitioners: Create a platform for practitioners to understand the challenges and opportunities in supporting pregnant women who use drugs and their infants.
- Inform Policy: Contribute to shaping future policies and guidelines concerning maternity care for this vulnerable population.
The webinar will:
- Present on the background and design of the Stepping Stones Study.
- Discuss findings from a UK scoping review of clinical and good practice guidelines.
- Explore international interventions for women who use/are in treatment for substances during the perinatal period.
- Present key elements of co-produced optimum care models
- Delve into critical moments in care journeys for women who use/in treatment for drug use during the perinatal period, both from longitudinal interviews and staff perspectives.
For further information please contact Dr Polly Radcliffe on polly [dot] radcliffe [at] kcl [dot] ac [dot] uk .